Igor Khudolei


Born on 1940, he finished Moscow Tchaikowsky Conservatory. His teacher where Y.Flier (piano), S.Balasanyan (composition). Khudolei is a laureate of the International Competition  in Lisbon, All-Russia Competition in Kiev, All-Russia Competition in Moscow. Khudolei performed as a soloist and with orchestras at home and abroad. He made compact-discs (two sonatas by Shostakovitch, works by Metdner, Mussorksky, Schnittke). Khudoleis "Second sonata-fresco" was written especially for the Tchaikovsky Competition. Khudolei is a member of the Russian Schubert Union, he is also professor of chamber music in Tchaikovsky Conservatory. Khudolei is author of many works for piano, orchestra and vocal music.